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Donna Brunton is a long time supporter and collector of Taos Art.
Donna is known for her often eclectic style. From embroidery to mixed media, she constantly plays with traditional elements with a contemporary twist.
"My mom put me in drawing and painting classes when I was in high school and I loved it. I went on to study art history at the University of New Mexico. After graduating I spent the next 30 years opening 3 different art galleries focusing primarily on fine crafts. At the same time I developed my own line of wearable art."
"Right now I am obsessed with oil collage which I like to do on panel or wood. I'm using vintage wallpapers as the base and build from there. I want them to be fun with layers of hidden designs. I consider myself more of an abstract artist than a realist."
"My inspiration comes from the Impressionists of course, but it also comes from my everyday life. Whats growing in the garden, what plate will I use for cookies, what's for dinner...."