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"Off Kit Carson Road",
Taos Watercolor Society Miniature Show at Wilder Nightingale Fine Art
Have you ever wondered about the names on the street signs in downtown Taos? Names like "Dragoon Lane", "Morada Lane", "De Teves Lane". All of the street names in Taos tell a tale if you look closely enough.
At the end of Dragoon Lane, you will find the historic Kit Carson Cemetery, which was originally called "El Cemeterio Militar" ("The Military Cemetery"). It was later renamed the American Cemetery, because it was the only non-Catholic cemetery in Taos in the later part of the 1800's. Many prominent TaoseƱos ended up buried here, including the controversial figure Padre Martinez, as well as art patroness Mabel Dodge Luhan. Speaking of Mabel, her home is located at the end of Morada Lane, a street named for the Morada located in the area. De Teves Lane is named for Pedro Jose De Teves, a Portuguese native of Sao Miguel, Azore Islands. Pedro opened a trading post, and later had a distillery and bar located on the West side of the Taos Plaza.
Wilder Nightingale Fine Art will be hosting a Taos Watercolor Society pop-up miniature show themed around these street names during the month of September. Because of the gallery's location, we will be focusing on the streets that intersect with Kit Carson Road. Members of the Taos Watercolor Society have been asked to paint a miniature using water media, and title their work using one of these street names that intersect with Kit Carson Road. Perhaps they will draw inspiration from a garden, originally planted by one of the matriarchs of Taos. Or the arch of an historic building. A street scene. A family name, or previous resident of one of these small winding lanes.
Curious? Visit Wilder Nightingale Fine Art, at 119 Kit Carson Road during the month of September to see what is created. Opening reception will be held during the Second Saturday Art Stroll on Kit Carson Road, Wilder Nightingale Fine Art, 119 Kit Carson Road, on Sept. 14th from 3pm-6pm.
Every second Saturday between June and October, businesses on Kit Carson Road are hosting a variety of art openings and events. Also participating in the Second Saturday Art Stroll on Kit Carson Road in September are Casa Benavides, Untitled Fine Art, Greg Moon Art, DragonflyBlue, The Ranch at Taos, Bryans Gallery, Two Graces, Alhambra Soul Inspired Living, Angie Coleman Studio and The Fine Art Atelier. Find parking East on Kit Carson Road at the Municipal Parking lot past Couse House.